Olaf the Frisbaleur

Olaf the Frisbaleur

Finally… my first post! After working with websites (creating, optimising and ranking them) for over 5 years it is about time that I started a blog about “webcontent”.

Not sure if I got time It will be hard to update my blog on a daily base but we’ll see how it turns out. Might be that a couple of articles pop up one week followd by silence for a few weeks. But hey work goes above all. Besides providing the basic needs to live (money) it also keeps me up-to-date on most of the things that are related to my work.

We, the people that live of the internet, are always working on the edge.  Now don’t picture me on a cliff dangling in rope above a 1000ft glacier but think of the contineous debat of what will be working and what not. Will a campaign show ROI, is a banner going to be clicked, does Google (or Bing) likes my SEO efforts and will I be rewarded for it?! Tons of questions that rise every day again and again. Luckily there are tons of blogs out there that provide me with valuable information on the most important topics or our work.  Thousands of experts are willing to share their knowledge and hardly ever they receive more then some comments thanking them. (Most of them are comment spam by the way…)

So what will you be able to find on my blog in the future…

  • Search Engine Optimization tips
  • Affiliate networks and programs
  • Social media and routing
  • A selection of all the cool tools out there

Do I hear you thinking; “So whats new?!”

Well actually you might be right, with a gazillions blog making a living of writing content about what I just summed up there might be not to much that you haven’t read already. But thinks of this, do I write for you? Maybe not!

Being a real Frisbaleur I do not write for any particular audience. Frisbaleuring isn’t blogging, has nothing to do with propagating being an expert nor does it qualifies for SEO Master Grades. Frisbaleur is simply being… Frisbaleur!

And that is the one and only guarantee you will get from my blog. I am the one and only real Frisbaleur on the web. (out of over people in this Universe) So either you get your knowledgem information, news and tips and tricks from one of the millions of websites out there or you get it from thé Frisbaleur!

How to become a Frisbaleur too?!

Well I can be short on that one, you can’t! There can only be one Frisbaleur at a time in any given period. So live with it!